Sissy Uhuru and his ‘Brokeside Dairy Jacket’ ‘paid pawns’ start extreme no-any-rations hunger tortures

Hello? Anybody home? The evil-eyed contagion animist witches today begun what’s probably extreme hunger-tortures geared to reverse any physiology growths & developments I’d made as per their psychic vampires zombie-cultures ursurping unsuspecting peoples’ energies. Thus the quickie-prostitute prepared her ‘married but gay’ dodo-pimp the peristalsis-triggering ‘unthrashed-maize & beans’ putting only a single plate on the table indicating the ration’s for 1 anyway like’s usually the norm before the gay-witch divides it for 2 taking the larger share. Thus today I’d only the 5/- bob juice sachet mixed into 1.5l of water which whose contents I drink half & save the other for the morrow to try and stretch the meagre balance from a wellwisher’s lendings with which I managed to squeeze & buy a cardigan-jersey, a pen, a 64-page exer. bk and also developed my web some bit. If the witches serve the same peristalsis-triggering ‘nyoyo’ for super, I’m dead meat for the pennies are almost depleted. SOS for soft loans.,

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