It’s back to the sadist jealousy ‘penis envy’ [ rd: Sexology ] ‘Man hater’ Uhuru’s and co. 2 scheduled fraction-meal-rations as he sits-pretty on my 8.2yrs damages still at 42yrs a bachelor. SOS.

Yer. The damn @§$hole savage witches are now happy I depleted the meagre pennies and they’re thus back to Sissy-Uhuru’s forced-dependency scheduled 2 fraction-meal-rations hunger-tortures political-legal abuses’ persecution. Otherwise, I’m juggling lotsa ball debilitated by want of a smartphone for the cyber bills where I gotta do everything in a hurry always ; for which that’s the problem with us perfectionists for much as I got the whole-IT-system in its bits-and-parts, I won’t rubber-meet-the-road till every nut in the juggernaut’s in its bolt. So to speak I still gotta resolve AWS PA API issues in the cyber for I guess I renew-signedup my associate-IDs with my other 2nd new AWS acc. which’s invalidated reflecting the products. Still there’s an issue with EC2 API to host my WordPress account on AWS for it invalidates too. And the mxxxxxfxxcxrs must be kidding me if any soul thinks I’ll let ma life be their biz. Who I date, screw, marry or sire kids-with is nobody’s mxxxxrfxxcxxn’ biz. SOS. +254723047863

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