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    Infact the witches are very paranormal with their ‘NETERISM / KEMETISM’ ‘REBIRTH-ZOMBIE’ occultisms / archetypal contents impositions. Period. The ‘hyena’-Luo pple can be very filthy from relishing market-overstayed maggot-infested fish from ‘dumpsite-like’-stench-wrenching market corners to these Uhuru’s ‘paid pawns’ whereby at yesternight’s supper I found the gay-dodo pimp using the same serving-spoon to mix-cut into pieces the dog’s & cats’ ‘left-overs’ ugali and greens soup! The dogs bowl he puts on the same dinning table which even in 80’s Kabuto Nyatike his bros were wise enough never-to as the dogs strictly waited for their left-overs bowl served on the floor! If you’re asking ofcourse it’s the last time I used their serving spoon! I’ll enjoin IPOA with a reminder next week. SOS.

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