Drafting IPOA rejoinder amid hunger tortures; used last 10/- bob on supplementary 5/- bob juice satchets; gay-dodo witch continues filthy table manner putting dog-cats feed-bowl on table and mixing stuff now with table knife

Hello? The savage witches continue primitive-strength filthy table-manners impunity with the gay-dodo now switching to mixing the dog-cats feeding-bowl leftover contents with the table knife to disgust you-off as if I’d asked to come to their abode. The IPOA rejoinder certainly will come late. The reason the witches don’t welcome entertainning visitors to sleepover let alone stay for long like over the weekends or holidays cause people will notice their filthy etiquette, dishes and witchcraft routines as regards the pitlatrine-oracle visited with the frequency of a mosque where the gay-witch feeds a secret-mysterious-animal ; most probably a serpent I guess! Meanwhile as Uhuru sits pretty on my 8.3y damages curtailing the efiling of my broad lawsuit in covering his crimes & bossom-buddies accomplices including the Bells Pub GSU / Eng. Emmanuel Edgar & witchunter-cop Ikenya, I’m almost walking naked on oversewn worn-out rags, shoes & slipper; & has run outta sewing thread. Ecommerces & marriage stalled. SOS.
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