Drainning-energies bitting hunger-tortures sets-in with half-a-loaf till supper scheduled rationings as Sadist-Uhuru sits pretty still on my 8.3yrs damages. I pray for survival 5/- bob juice sachets. SOS.

Yer. I’ve gone to bed half-hungry as Uhuru’s ‘Brokeside Dairy Jacket’ psychic-cannibal-vampires ‘Brokeside Dairy Jacket’ ‘paid pawns’ witches gloat their full bellies belching loudly for my ears as if I’d asked to come to their abode. The filthy gay-witch still puts the unhygienic, disgusting dog-cat bowl that usually stays outside on the soil, grass lawn overnight, on the dinning table ; then he goes ahead to still disgustingly mix the leftovers either with the same serving spoon or table knife both which I’ve since quit using instead taking to the table spoons to both cut the ugali & serve the rations. They ofcourse still eat abundantly like customary exclusively in the kitchen or the gay witch gets a packet of mala [ fermented milk ] to drain the meal after supper. I don’t know when I’ll next wash ma rags for like in hibernation, I’ve ceased all major activities to conserve the energies including gym exer. therapy to counter the LGMD ; and mostta the times gotta lie on my back can’t sit straight. SOS.
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