Morn. ‘was half-a-loaf at noon while supper I’ve slept hungry as Uhuru’s paid-pawns the jealousy ‘Brokeside Dairy Jacket’ psychic-vampire, food-poker, physiology-witches quickie-prostitute substantiated conveniently does a disappearing-act and the gay-dodo substantiated takes over the kitchen for which as recorded he usually disgustingly regurgles the food forcing you to leave him the filth as if I’d asked to come to their abode ; SOS; Thus hunger-torture starvations continue; SOS; The other night last week they sent one of their 2 murderer kins Joseph Olala who’d once threatened to kill me with his brother Paul Otieno aka Manuar in Rapogi Kanyamkago of the TZ Randa-Kitembe witchdoctor conspiracy to wonna come sleep-over at my quarters which I refused flat telling him to sleep at the main-house with his sender-pawns. SOS.: Prayers are for interventions to fast-track my IPOA & ODPP accident evidence-destruction case ; Spare cash and / or soft loans are welcome.

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