Cash token depleting: Morn.s I survive on 20/- 4-mandazis, half-loaf, water; supper it’s 10/- avocado and ugali ‘cept for the s’times a glass-of-milk since Uhuru’s paid-pawns the jealousy ‘Brokeside Dairy Jacket’ witche-pawns quickie-prostitute conveniently did a disappearing-act and the gay-dodo substantiated took over the kitchen for which as recorded he can’t be trusted cause he usually disgustingly regurgles the meal-rations forcing you to leave him the filth as if I’d asked to come to their abode; SOS; The other night first week of July they sent one of their 2 murderer kins Joseph Olala who’d once threatened to kill me with his brother Paul Otieno aka Manuar in Rapogi Kanyamkago of the TZ Randa-Kitembe witchdoctor conspiracy to wonna come sleep-over at my quarters which I refused flat telling him to sleep at the main-house with his senders; Prayers are for interventions to fast-track my IPOA & ODPP accident evidence-destruction case; Lend spare cash/soft loans. SOS.

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