Contagion-animist-witch Uhuru of the ‘Jomvu Kuu’ Mercedes Benz / licensed firearms witchdoctor Omar continues energy-ursurping hunger-torture-pangs proxy of his ‘Brokeside Dairy Jacket’ paid pawns.’ SOS.

You feel the energy drainning outta your starving famished body literally as the veins strain to pump blood. The greens last 2 or 3 days day/night rations are actually meant for 1, the gay-dodo witch who then divides it into 2 taking the larger portion as usual. It’s slow death engineered by the Illuminati Freemason witch-Uhuru & co. Neither can I wash my rags now for which I’m almost walking naked & bare feet cause the worn-out oversewn trousers are still coming-off and the shoes become like open-shoes! Thus Uhuru’s a witch-proper who sacrifices unsuspecting victims to his ‘ancestors’-cult-of-the-living-dead. Remember the El-Ade Al-Shabaab massacre & how the Sissy C-in-C Uhuru responded at a snail’s-pace with border APs put to walk for days? The same applies to his ‘Brokeside Dairy Jacket’ ‘paid pawns’ who got the pitlatrines as their ‘ORACLE’ which they frequent like a mosque & where the gay-witch feeds a secret-animal I suspect’s a serpent or a python of sorts! Lend me spare cash for 5/- bob juices. SOS.