Half-a-loaf and water till supper hunger-torture starvations starts as jealousy gay-dodo witch takes the larger share of half loaves like with any other meal rations as usual { as if I’d asked to come to their abode for sex pervert and assault criminals I’ve Disowned pending suing once I get paid my damages }; Rags washing postponed indefinately; Flashing friends and well-wishers for soft loans / spare cash; SOS. This is when he now opens the back door ajar to increase the cold like he’s now done knowing I’m starving; SOS.

Sleep’s hard to come by when you stayed hungry the whole day and supper was taken sparingly cause some @$§hole gay of a witch feigned spitting into the milk ration in place of the usual regurglings. Thus can barely gather sleep tonight { it’s 0430hrs } as the famishing hunger torture makes you feel the blood drainning away. SOS. { https://startrextraterrestrials.wordpress.com/2021/07/25/eaten-nothing-since-morn-cept-water-as-belly-full-gay-witch-opts-for-late-breakfast-while-id-to-rush-to-migori-market-matatus-stage-to-wait-for-a-kin-george-okoth-coming-from-mombasa-whod-promi-3/ }. And the breakfast tomorrow may come past noon yet the racial-hiearchy caste-system Uhuru’s GoK’s brood-sitting pretty on my 10m+ in damages as I rot being burried alive. Set me free again to reclaim my life, my wife, my kids, my money, my biz / jobs. SOS.

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